Hannah Huang Jewelry
-品牌概念精選黃銅微寶石,搭配各色天然石,以客製化的手串方式,為每位客人打造出獨特風格的專屬配飾。-Brand conceptSelected bronze with gems, matching with various coloured stones, hand crafted unique accessories for individual customers-創立理念源於對所有美麗事物的執著與追求,總想佩戴一些不同於市面量販的飾品,開始試著收集各式材料自己動手做,經過巧思配搭,手串出一件件連自己都愛不釋手的作品,漸漸的培養出濃厚興趣。在家人與朋友的鼓勵下,嘗試著銷售自己的手作成品,與大家分享這種美的感動,意外的為我的人生串出了一條晶亮璀璨的路徑。堅持用良好的品質、細心的服務,帶給每位朋友美麗好心情。源源不絕的靈感,是品牌最大的資產,希望能用手作的溫度,溫暖你我的心。-VisionAll started from insisting and pursuing the art of beauty, and always wanted to wear different accessories sold in the market. Therefore started to collect raw materials for DIY. Mix and match with inspiration, hand crafted multiple art pieces which are all charming and hence developed great interest in the field. Under encouragement from family and friends, started to sell every hand made pieces to share this beauty with everyone. This has surprisingly become the start of my splendid life. Insist on quality and caring service to bring joy to every customer. Unlimited inspiration is the greatest asset of the brand. Hope to use the warmth from craftsmanship to touch each and everyone's heart.