西門、武昌|境外旅客專屬優惠 eslite spectrum Ximen Store, Wuchang Store_Overseas Tourists Special offers
活動期間 2025/01/01 - 2025/12/31
活動店別 誠品生活西門 誠品生活武昌
►電話 phone /
►地址 address /
台北市萬華區峨眉街52號 No. 52, Emei St., Wanhua Dist., Taipei City 108, Taiwan (R.O.C.)
►營業時間 opening hours /
【商場Mall/書店 Bookstore】11:30~22:00
📍 【武昌 eslite spectrum Wuchang】
►電話 phone /
►地址 address /
台北市萬華區武昌街二段77號 No. 77, Sec. 2, Wuchang St., Wanhua Dist., Taipei City 108, Taiwan (R.O.C.)
►營業時間 opening hours /
📅 2025.1.01 Wed.-12.31 Wed.
Overseas visitors can get the eslite DISCOUNT PASS/sticker with their passports at the eslite customer service counter. Present the Pass while shopping in eslite stores and enjoy shopping discounts.
• 每人限兌換乙份,數量有限,兌完為止。
Discount Passes are limited to one per person and available only while stocks last.
• 兌換時請出示非中華民國國籍實體護照。
When redeeming the Discount Pass, please present the passport of a non-Taiwanese (R.O.C.) entity.
• 優惠內容以現場公告為主,請於結帳前確認優惠內容。
All discounts are subject to change, please confirm before checkout.
• 誠品生活保有調整與變更活動內容之權利
eslite spectrum reserves the right to adjust and change the content of the event.
【專屬優惠 Special offers】
📍 【西門 eslite spectrum Ximen】
樓層 Floor | 品牌 Brand | 優惠內容 Special Offers |
1F | BLANK SPACE | 單筆滿 6,000 享 95 折 Enjoy 5% off with single purchase over TWD 6,000. |
2F | POLINIQ | 不限金額 享 8 折 Enjoy 20% off |
3F | KlassiC. | 不限金額 享 95 折 Enjoy 5% off |
📍 【武昌 eslite spectrum Wuchang】
樓層 Floor | 品牌 Brand | 優惠內容 Special Offers |
2F | QUEEN SHOP | 不限金額 享 9 折 Enjoy 10% off |
2F | DOUGHNUT | 不限金額 享 9 折 Enjoy 10% off |
3F | JINS | 不限金額 享 9 折 Enjoy 10% off |
3F | TAIWANIZE | 不限金額 享 9 折 Enjoy 10% off |
All discounts are subject to change, please confirm before checkout.