VINTAGE古著手感是COLORSMITH的品牌設計重點。繼而讓使用者感受其產品的溫度,而能詳實記錄著人與物品之間的互動情感。所以設計師始終認為包袋產品是一種有情愫的隨身物品。COLORSMITH產品的製成是由手作製包20餘年經驗的工匠組成,廠內輔助的機器設備皆為老機器搭配著實車縫線條,並堅持每一英吋需有七個針目的尼龍線徑後的一次手工修剪與手工烤掉多餘線頭,才能進行下一步驟的縫製,這樣繁瑣並重複的手作製程始終是COLORSMITH製包的唯一重要環節。Point Card Terms and Conditions
1. Cardholders’ personal information may be shared among eslite Group’s related businesses.
2. If personal information has changed or has been input incorrectly (e.g. cardholders are not receiving event notifications), cardholders can visit the customer service counters at any elite store(s) or contact customer service by phone to make revision.
3. A complete list of privileges can be found at https://meet.eslite.com, or please ask our staffs at customer service counters. eslite reserves the right to amend these privileges. For any amendment, or cancellation of privileges, eslite will notify cardholders via email (provided corresponding email addresses are on record), or through the stores.
4. In order to protect the rights of cardholders, eslite will temporarily suspend the accumulation of purchase or eslite points if our system fails to function correctly.
5. If fraudulent behavior has been used for eslite point or purchase accumulation, or if eslite guidelines have been violated in any way, eslite reserves the right to immediately terminate all privileges, nullify any benefits accrued, and/or revoke such legibility. For any unlawful behavior, the corresponding parties (i.e. cardholders or non-cardholders) shall bear all legal responsibility.
6. These rules are only applicable for eslite store(s) located within the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region. In cases of disputes, eslite reserves the right of final decision.
eslite Member Terms and Conditions