框框的品牌理念 「大膽框框,玩樂嘗鮮!」2ndframe’s brand philosophy is “BE DARING”
You can find the trendiest and most stylish frames in our stores with surprises everywhere. It has never been this easy to accessories yourself with flares of fashion.
〔框框〕2 ND FRAME 意思為『你的第二個鏡框』。眼鏡功能如今已轉化為造型需求,隨著穿著或造型來搭配,連一些原本沒有戴眼鏡的族群也因造型的需求而加入框框一族。
2ndframe literally means “Your second pair of eyewear”. With glasses now being a type of fashion accessory rather than just visual correction tools, you can wear them according to your sense of style, match your outfit. A lot of people that are not bothered by visual impairments are starting to wear glasses for the sake of fashion.
At 2ndframe we’d like to think our products create a certain atmosphere. We offer the trendiest frames with light price tags, so you can fulfill your fashion cravings without burdens.
2ndframe also put a lot of effort in our unique store design aiming to create environments that reflect our core value and maximize customers’ shopping experiences.