創辦人-粟田貴也以父親的口味作為出發點,並懷著飲水思源的心情,創立丸亀製麵。 全球最大、首屈一指的日本烏龍麵連鎖店-丸亀製麵於2013年正式登陸台灣。不論日本當地、以至全球,丸亀製麵都堅持以現點現做的做法及讚岐式點餐提供最新鮮最道地的烏龍麵。「創造深受更多顧客長期喜愛的餐廳」這就是我們唯一理念,今後也不會改變。
創辦人-粟田貴也以父親的口味作為出發點,並懷著飲水思源的心情,創立丸亀製麵。 全球最大、首屈一指的日本烏龍麵連鎖店-丸亀製麵於2013年正式登陸台灣。不論日本當地、以至全球,丸亀製麵都堅持以現點現做的做法及讚岐式點餐提供最新鮮最道地的烏龍麵。「創造深受更多顧客長期喜愛的餐廳」這就是我們唯一理念,今後也不會改變。
Point Card Terms and Conditions
1. Cardholders’ personal information may be shared among eslite Group’s related businesses.
2. If personal information has changed or has been input incorrectly (e.g. cardholders are not receiving event notifications), cardholders can visit the customer service counters at any elite store(s) or contact customer service by phone to make revision.
3. A complete list of privileges can be found at https://meet.eslite.com, or please ask our staffs at customer service counters. eslite reserves the right to amend these privileges. For any amendment, or cancellation of privileges, eslite will notify cardholders via email (provided corresponding email addresses are on record), or through the stores.
4. In order to protect the rights of cardholders, eslite will temporarily suspend the accumulation of purchase or eslite points if our system fails to function correctly.
5. If fraudulent behavior has been used for eslite point or purchase accumulation, or if eslite guidelines have been violated in any way, eslite reserves the right to immediately terminate all privileges, nullify any benefits accrued, and/or revoke such legibility. For any unlawful behavior, the corresponding parties (i.e. cardholders or non-cardholders) shall bear all legal responsibility.
6. These rules are only applicable for eslite store(s) located within the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region. In cases of disputes, eslite reserves the right of final decision.
eslite Member Terms and Conditions