薇拉和丈夫一直尽忠职守地工作、负起社会责任、养育子女孝顺父母,但薇拉工作的杂志社倒闭了,丈夫原本已获得终身职位的学校也倒闭,两人除了一身债,还有一间继承来的、已经快要瓦解的砖造房子,还要照顾行动不便的丈人,还有以自己需求为中心的女人,家中唯一看似生活比较顺遂的儿子,毕业自常春藤名校,但却卷入一场纠纷中…… 为什麽说出实话的人,反而会被责骂呢? 柴契尔是一个以诚实研究为己任的科学老师,但他的雇主却禁止他谈及达尔文 最新发表的一篇精彩文章,柴契尔的年轻妻子和趋炎附势岳母却因为担心谣言会带来的影响,所以谎称他们雅致的房子其实不稳固的说法是假的。在这个小村庄里,柴契尔只是希望可以诚实正当地尽到自己的责任,反被有权人士视为眼中钉……
The New York Times bestselling author of Flight Behavior, The Lacuna, and The Poisonwood Bible and recipient of numerous literary awards—including the National Humanities Medal, the Dayton Literary Peace Prize, and the Orange Prize—returns with a timely novel that interweaves past and present to explore the human capacity for resiliency and compassion in times of great upheaval. Willa Knox has always prided herself on being the embodiment of responsibility for her family. Which is why it’s so unnerving that she’s arrived at middle age with nothing to show for her hard work and dedication but a stack of unpaid bills and an inherited brick home in Vineland, New Jersey, that is literally falling apart. The magazine where she worked has folded, and the college where her husband had tenure has closed. The dilapidated house is also home to her ailing and cantankerous Greek father-in-law and her two grown children: her stubborn, free-spirited daughter, Tig, and her dutiful debt-ridden, ivy educated son, Zeke, who has arrived with his unplanned baby in the wake of a life-shattering development. In an act of desperation, Willa begins to investigate the history of her home, hoping that the local historical preservation society might take an interest and provide funding for its direly needed repairs. Through her research into Vineland’s past and its creation as a Utopian community, she discovers a kindred spirit from the 1880s, Thatcher Greenwood. A science teacher with a lifelong passion for honest investigation, Thatcher finds himself under siege in his community for telling the truth: his employer forbids him to speak of the exciting new theory recently published by Charles Darwin. Thatcher’s friendships with a brilliant woman scientist and a renegade newspaper editor draw him into a vendetta with the town’s most powerful men. At home, his new wife and status-conscious mother-in-law bristle at the risk of scandal, and dismiss his financial worries and the news that their elegant house is structurally unsound. Brilliantly executed and compulsively readable, Unsheltered is the story of two families, in two centuries, who live at the corner of Sixth and Plum, as they navigate the challenges of surviving a world in the throes of major cultural shifts. In this mesmerizing story told in alternating chapters, Willa and Thatcher come to realize that though the future is uncertain, even unnerving, shelter can be found in the bonds of kindred—whether family or friends—and in the strength of the human spirit.
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