境外旅客專屬禮 eslite Special Gift for Overseas Tourists
活動期間 2025/01/01 - 2025/12/31
活動店別 誠品生活站前店 誠品生活松菸 誠品生活南西 誠品生活西門 誠品生活武昌 誠品生活板橋 誠品生活新板 誠品R79店 更多
Enjoy a special gift when you complete tax refund services.
※ 兌換門市:新店/南西/松菸/西門/武昌/板橋/新板/R79/站前店/台中480/駁二店

Special Gift from Jan. to Mar.|SERENA Original Egg Roll
• 每人限兌換乙份,數量有限,兌完為止。
The gift is limited to one per person and available only while stocks last.
• 專屬禮品項依現場告示為準,圖片僅供參考。
The special gift items are subject to the announcements made on site; Pictures are for reference only.
• 兌換時請出示非中華民國國籍實體護照。
When redeeming the Discount Pass, please present the passport of a non-Taiwanese (R.O.C.) entity.
• 誠品生活保有調整與變更活動內容之權利
eslite spectrum reserves the right to adjust and change the content of the event.