南西|境外旅客專屬優惠 eslite spectrum Nanxi_Overseas Tourists Special offers
活動期間 2025/01/01 - 2025/12/31
活動店別 誠品生活南西
► 電話 phone /
► 地址 address /
台北市中山區南京西路14號 No. 14, Nanjing W. Rd., Zhongshan Dist., Taipei City 104, Taiwan (R.O.C.)
► 營業時間 opening hours /
週日-週四Sun. ~ Thu.
【商場Mall】11:00-22:00 【5F書店Bookstore】11:00-22:00
週五-週六Fri. ~ Sat.
【商場Mall】11:00-22:30 【5F書店Bookstore】11:00-00:00midnight
週一-週日Mon. ~ Sun.
【部分專櫃Selected stores】 07:00-23:00
📅 2025.1.01 Wed.-12.31 Wed.
▶ 境外旅客憑護照至4F顧客服務中心,
Overseas visitors can get the eslite DISCOUNT PASS/sticker with their passports at the eslite customer service counter. Present the Pass while shopping in eslite stores and enjoy shopping discounts.
Discount Passes are limited to one per person and available only while stocks last.
When redeeming the Discount Pass, please present the passport of a non-Taiwanese (R.O.C.) entity.
All discounts are subject to change, please confirm before checkout.
eslite spectrum reserves the right to adjust and change the content of the event.
【專屬優惠 Special offers】
樓層 Floor | 品牌 Brand | 優惠內容 Special Offers |
周邊商品-禮盒類享9折優惠 |
B1 | ME5 | 單筆滿2,500元享95折優惠 Enjoy 5% off with single purchase over TWD 2,500. |
B1 | 翰方御品 HAN FANG YU PIN |
不限金額享95折優惠 Enjoy 5% off |
B1 | 蛋白工坊 egg white chips |
單筆不限金額即贈蛋白薄片(香草奶油/墨西哥紅椒)乙包(價值120元) Free one pack of Protein Crisps (VANILA CHIPS / PAPRIKA CHIPS) with any single purchase, no minimum amount required. |
1F | Atelier Cologne | 購買正裝香水 贈:皮套及客製化客印服務 Free gift with purchase of full-sized perfume: Leather case and customized embossing service. |
1F | CITEN | 單筆滿1,500元折抵200元 TWD 200 off with single purchase over TWD 1,500. |
1F | DANIEL WELLINGTON | 單筆滿3,000元享8折優惠 Enjoy 20% off with single purchase over TWD 3,000. |
1F | FRED PERRY | 單筆滿6,000元折抵400元 TWD 400 off with single purchase over TWD 6,000. |
1F | master-piece | 不限金額享95折優惠 首次購買加入品牌會員即享300元折扣 Enjoy 5% off Enjoy TWD 300 off when you join the brand membership with your first purchase. |
2F | CaspiaLili | 單筆滿11,000元享95折優惠 Enjoy 5% off with single purchase over TWD 11,000. |
2F | DLEET | 單筆滿20,000元享95折優惠 Enjoy 5% off with single purchase over TWD 20,000. |
2F | 茶籽堂 cha tzu tang |
單筆滿2,000元即贈肖楠葉平衡沐浴露50ml乙個 Get a free 50ml TAIWAN INCENSE CEDAR LEAF BALANCING BODY WASH with single purchase over TWD 2,000. |
2F | OLIVIA YAO JEWELLERY | 單筆滿3,000元現折300元 TWD 300 off with single purchase over TWD 3,000. |
單筆滿2,200元現折200元 TWD 200 off with single purchase over TWD 2,200. |
3F | bitplay | 單筆滿3,000元享9折優惠 Enjoy 10% off with single purchase over TWD 3,000. |
3F | coen | 單筆滿1,500元現折210元 TWD 210 off with single purchase over TWD 1,500. |
3F | DOUGHNUT | 不限金額享9折優惠 Enjoy 10% off |
3F | 簡單 JAN DAN |
單筆滿3,000元現折300元 TWD 300 off with single purchase over TWD 3,000. |
3F | mini matters | 單筆滿1,000元享9折優惠 Enjoy 10% off with single purchase over TWD 1,000. |
3F | PEPPER'S | 不限⾦額享9折優惠 Enjoy 10% off |
3F | Simply Yours | 單件享9折優惠 Enjoy 10% off |
3F | VCStyle | 不限⾦額享95折優惠 Enjoy 5% off |
3F | plain-me | 單筆滿2,000元享9折優惠 Enjoy 10% off with single purchase over TWD 2,000. |
4F | 食習 have a sEAT |
內用不限金額享9折優惠 |
4F | 樂石子 Terry and Andris Jewelry |
單筆消費滿3,500元現折400元 TWD 400 off with single purchase over TWD 3,500. |
4F | Merci Design | 單筆滿3,000元享85折優惠 Enjoy 15% off with single purchase over TWD 3,000. |
4F | 23.5N | 不限金額享95折優惠 Enjoy 5% off |
4F | 荷風日立 Koriko Zakka |
單筆滿5,000元享9折優惠 Enjoy 10% off with single purchase over TWD 5,000. |
4F | 有空5mins | 單筆滿6,000元現折600元 TWD 600 off with single purchase over TWD 6,000. |
4F | 村山 Tsun Shan |
2件享88 折 Enjoy 12% off for 2 pieces. |
4F | toki.Tokyo | 單筆滿6,000元享88折優惠 Enjoy 12% off with single purchase over TWD 6,000. |
4F | RITE | 不限金額享9折優惠 Enjoy 10% off |
5F | ST.MALO W. | 不限金額享9折優惠 購買3件享8折優惠 Enjoy 10% off |
不限金額享95折優惠 Enjoy 5% off |
5F | alto | 不限金額享9折優惠 Enjoy 10% off |
All discounts are subject to change, please confirm before checkout.