成為台灣人,吃早餐Be a Taiwanese, Eat Breakfast 風格早午餐雙語獨家地圖EP02────新穎時髦篇
撰文 誠品生活南西採訪&撰文_楊涵硯 特別企劃_林佩玗 攝影&設計_吳岳軒 插畫&設計_賴佑寧
誠品生活南西2024年度地圖刊物主題為「成為台灣人-吃早餐Be a Taiwannese,eat breakfast. 」,將台北城西台式早餐文化呈現給各國旅客,首度製作雙語版本,成為對台灣本地人或是外籍旅客皆實用的飲食指南。當中採訪揭密南西編輯團隊的私藏口袋名單,現在就跟著我們的腳步來場早午餐巡禮!
A Refreshing Take on Brunch! Innovative Brunch Spots Competing for Your Tastebuds!
1. Supranormal Bakery Cafe───精粹澳式日常
Supranormal Bakery Café───The Essence of Aussie Everyday Life
Interviewee: Pan, Store Manager
「打破常規,跳脫自我」Beyond the world, be Supranormal
★ 推薦餐點 ★
➊ 楓糖培根大早餐(自選可頌)
Maple Bacon Hearty Breakfast (including choice of croissant)
➋ 熟辣蝦仁嫩蛋可頌
Spicy Shrimp & Soft Egg Croissant
➌ 杏仁可頌
Almond Croissant
Originally from Tianmu, Supranormal Bakery Café became a trending brunch hotspot in the Nanxi commercial district within just a year of opening on Chifeng Street. The husband-and-wife team behind it are deeply influenced by Australian culinary culture, striving to convey the idea of "condensing a day's nutrition into one plate" using natural ingredients. They focus particularly on croissant flavors, perfecting the crispiness, internal honeycomb structure, and ingredient formulations through numerous adjustments to achieve the ideal result.
The name is inspired by the word "Supernormal", describing an evolutionary theory that believes enjoying delicious, high-quality food is perfectly normal. Bringing our lovingly crafted dishes to a trendy, artsy hotspot is an exciting and challenging endeavor.
★ 營業資訊 ★
📍 台北市大同區赤峰街71巷27號
📍 No. 27, Lane 71, Chifeng Street, Datong District, Taipei City
Business Hours|9:00 AM - 6:00 PM (Closed on Mondays)
2. Waku Waku Burger わくわく───台日混血的美味產物
Waku Waku Burger わくわく───A Delectable Fusion of Taiwanese and Japanese Flavors
Interviewee: Kaka, Store Manager
所有成品從零到有全部自製!Everything here is homemade from scratch!
★ 推薦餐點 ★
➊ 南蠻唐陽雞定食
Nanban Karaage Chicken Set Meal
Deep Fried Onions Fujisan Beef Burger
Opened in 2020 on the mezzanine level of eslite spectrum nanxi 5+F bookstore, the owner believes the building’s unique features should complement the brand’s style. The elegant white decor and arch designs, along with wooden furniture, delicate lighting, and greenery, highlight the vitality of the space, cleverly incorporating the dome shape and calm tones from the bookstore's cinema heritage.
By focusing on brunch and set meals to cater to a wide audience, Waku Waku Burger strikes a balance between market uniqueness and broad appeal. Their signature dishes, crafted with "Taiwanese local ingredients X Japanese culinary techniques", allow travelers from around the world to savor the flavors of smallholder farm vegetables and chicken.
★ 營業資訊 ★
📍 eslite spectrum Nanxi 5+F
Business Hours|11:00 AM - 10:00 PM (Friday - Saturday to 22:30)
3. 五方食藏 TAKEFIVE delicatessen───有機飲食的搖籃
TAKEFIVE delicatessen ───The Cradle of Organic Eating
受訪者:品牌經理 Joyce
Interviewee:Brand Manager: Joyce
On the second floor, in collaboration with the world's first magazine library, boven, we’ve created a unique dining and magazine reading space.
★ 推薦餐點 ★
➊ 假日農夫大早餐
Weekend Farmer Hearty Breakfast
➋ 莓果法國吐司
Blueberry French Toast
五方食藏青田創始店以雜貨結合 Fine Dining 概念鼓勵以健康為導向的地中海系飲食。營業10年後從永康商圈移師大稻埕古蹟開設第3間分店,初期以workshop及快閃形式經營,希望提供新銳廚師舞台嶄露頭角。
TAKEFIVE’s original Qingtian store promotes a healthy Mediterranean diet with groceries. After a decade, we moved from the Yongkang commercial area to open our third store in the historical district of Dadaocheng. Initially operating through workshops and pop-ups, we aim to provide a stage for emerging chefs to showcase their talents.
The owner places great emphasis on "food culture with transparent origins". By visiting and collaborating with Taiwanese farmers, and using our refrigerated trucks to ensure ingredient quality, every detail in the store reflects the strength of Taiwanese brands. This includes dry-aged meats from the "Dry-Aged Foods Factory" and free-range eggs from "Qingchang Ranch", all selected with the utmost care.
★ 營業資訊 ★
📍 No. 202, Section 1, Dihua Street, Datong District, Taipei City
Business Hours|10:00 AM - 7:00 PM (Closed on Mondays and Tuesdays)
4. 嶼木islandwood───自由明亮的飲食場域
Interviewee : Verna, Store Manager
We preserve the building's original features such as red brick and terrazzo flooring.
★ 推薦餐點 ★
➊ 焦糖洋蔥加倍肉排漢堡
Caramelized Onion Double Patty Burger
➋ 烤蔬菜佐鷹嘴豆泥沙拉(附烤餅)
Roasted Vegetable and Chickpea Salad (comes with naan)
➌ 香料鷹嘴豆酪梨捲
Spiced Hummus and Avocado Wrap
Driven by a pure desire to recreate the unforgettable Indian cuisine experienced during travels in Japan, the owner took a bold step during Taiwan's strictest COVID-19 lockdown period, transforming a 60-year-old house into a culinary hotspot. Specializing in Indian naan and handmade burger patties, Islandwood brings a vibrant, international vibe to the alleys behind Taipei Main Station.
Distinct from common burger flavors, the owner follows natural eating habits, personally crafting daily flatbreads and burger patties, with a focus on mild spice usage. Collaborating with an independent bakery, they developed a signature burger bun that maintains moisture, supports the weight of sauces, and resists collapsing.
★ 營業資訊 ★
📍 No. 26, Huayin Street, Zhongshan District, Taipei City
Business Hours|09:00 AM - 04:30 PM (Fridays - Sundays till 17:00)